Do you know why 62% of all Baby Boomers will
outlive their accumulated savings?  

Be in the know. Join the Circle.
The aging journey can be challenging...let us be your guide™

Educational Seminars

Circle of Life Partners provides keynote presentations and customized programs for employers, universities, professional organizations and communities. Recent programs were delivered for the Young Presidents Organization, Harvard Business School, Emerson Hospital Auxiliary, The Women's Bar Association, and the National Association of Healthcare Consultants. Contact for more information.

Aging Parents: Navigating the Journey™ Engaging and informative, this program guides the audience through the aging journey from independence to the end, showing how to tackle the legal, financial, medical and caregiving challenges so that adult children enjoy the benefits of multi-generational families. 
The program may be delivered as a seminar, keynote address or a customized panel discussion. CEUs are provided to professionals. All participants receive a complimentary copy of Don't Give Up on Me! Supporting Aging Parents Successfully.
Organized for Life™  Are you prepared for the future? Are essential documents organized and filed for easy retrieval? Are decisions made proactively, with complete knowledge of the financial implications of housing, caregiving and other choices?  This seminar helps families gain control of the aging journey by organizing essential legal, financial and personal information using the Circle of Life Partners Family Organizer ™ while engaging in a lively conversation about common mistakes to avoid.